I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Amsterdam

I’ve always wanted to visit this part of the world.
Many people are drawn to Amsterdam for the loose marijuana laws,
some people get excited about the Heineken Brewery, others enjoy
the unique architecture. I think Jesus enjoys the red light disrict, where he can get handjobs at an everyday low price, like at walmart.

Personally, I would go for the penis fountain. There is a huge copper penis fountain in the red light district that doesn’t get the attention it deserves. Hidden amidst trees and sideroads, the penis statue looks to stand quite tall and makes me feel a little inadequate. Nevertheless, it’s an awesome attraction. Another big draw for me would be the street urinals. Why piss on someones front door when you can piss among walking crowds. I wonder if the street urinals are a tourist joke thing where locals sit a laugh at people using it. There is probably a website somewhere that feature videos of people peeing in street urinals. If anyone knows of the site,let us know.

See for yourself

Penis Fountain Here


Street Urinal Here

Pictures are courtesy of a pot smoking gay games tourist from BC

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