I'll Make You Famous…




I am – J-Date Match of the Day

I am not jewish, but i am a member on every dating site on the internet, because I don’t discriminate. I decided I should post my JDate Match of the day. If this is you or your sister/cousin/friend, be happy, I just made you/her famous. Bitch. She hasn’t been in a relationship since highschool, this girls needs some hot cock lovin’ – hook her up…yo.

Full profile after the jump.

About her (she’s gonna be a $Doctor$)

I like to think of myself as free-spirited and fun. I enjoy being with people who can laugh as much as I do at the little things. I love the outdoors and any type of animal. I am very close with my family and they are some of the most important people in my life. I love to ski, swim, camp and cuddle. Right now I am in my second year of medical school and finally feel like I’m learning. I keep myself going all the time by reminding myself why I am doing this: to gain the skills to help anyone, anywhere, anytime. I try to define my life by what good I can do for others and for the world. No teasing here so look for my name where people laugh online in canada.

Ideal Relationship

Oh god. I don’t think I really want to answer this because I haven’t found that yet. I think a relationship is what you both make of it. Of course it would involve two happy people, both of whom has spent enough time single to be fully happy with themselves as individuals and thus have self-confidence. We would both do little spontaneous things for each other such as show up on the doorstep unexpected, just to show we care. I wouldn’t try to fix him, and he wouldn’t try to fix me. We would each listen to the other’s problems without prejudice or impatience. Romance is important, and affection is a must

Perfect First Date

To tell the truth, I haven’t been on all that many! The best one however was outdoors .so my date would go as follows: We’d meet for lunch at a little cafe, on the patio, in the sunshine. Over a nice meal and some wine we start to get comfortable talking to each other and break the ice. Later we go for an ice cream before hitting some place like the Old Port of Montreal, or a lakeshore, or a mountaintop. We relax in the grass and really get to know each other, watch the sunset, and depending how much we’re enjoying it we stay longer or take a nice drive home. Kissing is welcome, but in any case we hug goodnight and look forward to the next time together.

Learned from Past Relationships:

First of all: I haven’t been in a relationship since high school, so honestly I don’t know what I’m talking about. But here’s what I learned when I was 17: I don’t always have to be right, and neither does he. We both have problems that need discussing but neither of us is necessarily looking for a solution. Debating a topic shouldn’t lead to arguments or a large-scale fight. Love is something that can be lost easily and should be cherished. Never ever lose touch with friends because you are lost in your relationship and blind to the world. Possessiveness is a negative thing.

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