Nothing says treehugger like “I use menstruation cups.” These are for the girls who are against using tampons because they are oppressive and enforced by enterprising men just trying to get in their pants. Fuck the man, Fuck the System, Fuck Tampons, Fuck Toxic Shock Syndrome. Empty your menstrual cup into plants for a fresh pussy scented home….
Some Notable Entries from the Menstrual Cup Community….after the jump
The Diva Cup Makes Me Cry…
“Is there a really easy way to take out the divacup? (Yes, I finally got it to go in after alot of crying) I grab the base and pull it out but it stretches me alot since the top is open all the way and the suction hurts. I’ve tried breaking the seal, but I’m so small that I can’t get a finger up there. And by the time I get it low, I have to pull it out really quick or it feels like my vagina’s ripping open.”Blood Clot, Big Up all Crew Inside
“I have been using the diva cup for a year now, had a keeper before that so am familiar with their use. The diva cup’s small holes seem to be constantly clogged with old blood/tissue that is very hard to get out, basically just by using the blunt end of a needle or sth. like that. Has anybody else found a solution to this problem? I got these thingies to make my life easier, not to keep me busy scraping clotted blood out of tiny holes… :-(”
Clamps to pull it out…
“so i bought the diva cup and i tried it…..I COULDN’T GET IT OUT!….it went in pretty easy, i did everything it said in the instructions but it was impossible to get out…my fingers couldn’t pinch the tip to take it out and i tried just tugging on it and it made it worse. i had to go get a mirror and some clamps to pull it out some more so i could finally pinch it and take it out with a loud plop. IT WAS HORID!!! =(”
Trannies have needs too…
“I’m a transgender girl still in a masculine body and I’ve joined this group, even though I won’t ever bleed, to learn more about cunts/vaginas (whichever term you prefer, I prefer the former), menstruation, cycles, bleeding and how it’s dealt with because of my desire to break down gender and understand people with the body I wish I was born with.”
Visit the Community Here
Previously: I am-On My Period
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