I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Lohan Gone Wild

Lohan is filming in New Orleans, so she did what every good cokehead should, party! Here is a camera phone (my favorite) picture of the girl in action. I love seeing Lindsay high, it reminds me of when I used to sell her Meth.

I have never been to New Orleans but I am fat and I had a concept for a porno called “muslim girls gone jihad” and it was traditional muslim girls who make the move to North America for school, and found a passion for booze, drugs and gangbangs. I never got around to doing it, because I don’t mingle with other races.

I am a little slow on this picture, because my celebrity insider died…

Lohan’s Rolling Stone pics after the jump, fool.

UPDATE: More pics after the jump curtosy of Defamer

Defamer.com is good at this, I am just fat!

These are Rolling Stone Magazine pics, unfortunately from TheSuperficial, yes I know…he gets more traffic than us, so my hatred may seem like jealously but it is for other reasons….

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