I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Anorexic Porn

After all the negative feedback we got for objectifying woman from some fat bitch with a menstrual cup, I decided to post the negative effects of sites like ours, and the whole media world for that matter. It’s called aorexia, and it is something that happens to girls who don’t want to be fat, and in their quest to be skinny, become obsessive with skinny, and don’t eat any food until they look like skeletons, their reproductive organs fall out of their bodies, and they die a lonely death, but at least they aren’t fat, and they are definitely a cheap date, which is always nice in this high maintenance world. You know how we feel about fat girls, they make us sick, stop eating donuts bitch….

This shit isn’t porno, it’s fucking ethiopian, and no matter how much I objectify women (which I don’t), I don’t advocate becoming a skeleton, because seriously girl, we like boobies and you don’t got none….

I lost the full gallery, they switched the link on me and turned it into spyware – fuckers..

More pics and links after the jump…

But here is the site it is from and some preview galleries for you to get off to..sick-o


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