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I am – Pubic Hair Toupee

The concept of pubic hair toupee’s is amazing. Especially for people with Alopecia. I just think they would be fun to have around the house and when your parole officer comes in for a cup of coffee while doing his weekly round-up, you can use it as a coaster. When he says “wow, that’s a crazy looking coaster” you can say “dude, that’s not a coaster, it’s my pubic hair toupee….”

Has your last wax or razor encounter left you a little too exposed for the nude beaches of SXM? Are you getting on in years and finding that thinning hair leaves you a bit embarrassed? We at American Merkin Company (AMC) have the perfect solution for your problem. We produce merkins (pubic hair toupees) of exceptional quality in a variety of styles and colors. Now you can have that smooth shave that he loves at home, and still strut your stuff on Orient Beach without revealing everything.

More Pics and Info after the jump.

Our merkins are made from real human hair and crafted with loving attention to detail

The standard – The familiar triangle that we all know and love.

The Stripper – Sometimes called the Brazilian as it fits under string bikinis commonly worn on Impanema, etc, this merkin is a bit slimmer at the top but still provides all the coverage needed for the nether regions.

The Heart – an old standard, especially popular around St Valentine’s Day and as a signal for the swinging set, the heart provides complete coverage with a little hint of devlishness.

The patented design includes a plug on the back side of the merkin to hold it in place. This provides easy on/easy off convenience and a bit of a thrill for the wearer.

Colors include the always popular blonde (a blonde merkin on a natural brunette always causes wonder!), light brown, dark brown, black, and red hot red

The Male-Medium

Our patented design for the males includes an elastisized hole in the center of the merkin to hold it in place. This provides easy on/easy off convenience and a bit of a thrill for the wearer. Specify small, medium, or large size.

Colors include blond, light brown, dark brown, black, red, and executive: black with a hint of gray.

Source – HERE via watdehek.nl

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