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I am – Urine Therapy

As much as I enjoy alternative lifestyles and therapies, this one just gets my gag reflex all hyperactive. What you do is, every morning, you pee. Then you drink it, fresh and steaming.

I’m sorry my friend. This simply makes my stomach turn. They say the first glass is the hardest. Richard Iredale, on the left, has been drinking and bathing in his for 7 years…

More after the jump….

But get this, the ex-prime minister of India, Morai Desai (left), drank 6 cups of his own pee every day and lived to be almost 100. Apparently pee drinking has a great history in the Indian and Asian medical traditions, and Mr. Desai was very vocal about his habit (there goes the gag reflex again), and in no way ashamed.

What’s even better? Serono Laboratories of Italy collects pee from post-menupausal nuns across the world to prepare fertility drugs. It costs about $1,400 for a months worth of pills. Their only problem is a lack of supply… apparently nuns don’t drink enough beer…or maybe they keep all the urine for themselves.. scheming urine hoarding christians.

For those of you that think “Hey, this sounds great”, and there is no lack of testimonials from people saying how urine has cured the gout, or cured their cancer or psoriasis etc…, then check out John W. Armstrong’s book “Water of Life”… the , ahem, ‘seminal work on the matter in the english language’.. he started it all 50 yrs ago by reintroducing the ancient tradition. Another work is, “Golden Fountain” by Coen van der Kroon.

Rotten.com also has a nice little historical blurb on this: HERE

And the article on our chardonnay sipping friend: HERE

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