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I am – Ebay Pubic Hair Competition

These crazy kids are competing to see who can sell a lock of their pubic hair for the most money. The competition is between a guy and his girlfriend, they are located in England and the girl is winning…provided there is a girl in this equation.

I think this is a total scam that some loney pervert set up, hoping to draw a little attention to himself, kind of like this site draws attention to me….

Links after the jump:

The guy had this to say:

Ok this is for a complete lock of my pubic hair, this is a competition between me and my girlfriend to see who can raise the most amount for a lock of pubic hair, she is determined that she will win being a girl. she reckons that there are loads of guys out there that will bid for it, well she is beautiful, so she could be right, however im hoping she wrong, because if she wins she gets to shave whatever she wants into my pubic hair, but if i win i get to shave what ever i want in to her remaining pubic hair, and im going to let my winning bidder choose the design i shave so get bidding.

His Auction – HERE

The Girl has this to say:

Ok this is for a complete lock of my pubic hair, this is a competition between me and my boyfriend to see who can raise the most amount for a lock of pubic hair, he is determined that he will win being an ignorant pig. he reckons that there are loads of girls out there that will bid for it, well he is cute, so he could be right, however im hoping hes wrong, because if he wins he gets to shave whatever he wants into my pubic hair, but if i win i get to shave what ever i want in to his remaining pubic hair, and im going to let my winning bidder choose the design i shave so get bidding.

Her auction – HERE

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