I'll Make You Famous…




I am-hitting the parade

yesterday I realized that there was a dried substance with an odd pungent scent in my hair. Upon further inspection by my maid lupe, it turns out that this mystery substance was no mystery to me at all! IT WAS SPERM! God I love that juice. lupe made me take a shower even though I had sucked it all back into my system through my mouth. She told me I should use mouthwash and stop being so messy when I am with my boyfriend. I just smiled at her, because if she knew that the sperm in my hair belonged to her husband and not to my boyfriend, she probably would have made me gargle something else, like my own blood. In any case, I get into the shower, and I am nude, and the water is really hot. The entire room is steamed up and I tilt my head back into the spray and close my eyes. It is such a good feeling, those hot jets of water dousing my body. From behind I feel a familiar feeling. Rico is inside of me.


I don’t know how he got into the house or into my bathroom without getting caught, and I didn’t ask, I just took it like the good little girl that I am and enjoyed it. Rico is not rough, but rather gentle. He goes in deep and grinds with me, deeper and deeper still. It really gets me off. As hot as it is in the room, plus my body temperature from rico’s skills get me so worked up I almost pass out, but the niquil with penicillin and a sprinkle of Columbian cocaine keeps me on the ball. In the end his bearded mouth pulls away from mine and I bent all the way back and lean my head against the side of the tub so that he can give me the creamiest pearl necklace. After that he knows I am still going strong, so I spread both legs and rest them on the sides of the wall and the tub and he starts lapping at me starting from beneath my breasts and works his way down. When he’s ready to go we fuck standing up and we both sound like Olympic sprinters, or over excited bunnies. He sneaks out through the bay windows in my room, down the side of the house, and I wave goodbye to him, naked, with his family the gardeners slapping him high fives. Between him and his three brothers, he is definitely the best at what he does. I get dressed, blow dry my hair, and drive to school.

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