I'll Make You Famous…




i am-another magical afternoon

so this morning after my daily tea with Mohammed in nothing but my glittering gold turban and the hookah pipe wrapped around my nude, nude, naked body, i decided that i need a different kind of exotic experience. i felt like everything possible had been accomplished or attempted by me. i wandered the streets (after putting a robe on, and unwrapping the hookah pipe and Mohammed from my nude nude naked body, i went out to find more Mexicans. i was craving mimosas more than anything i had ever desired, my mouth was whetted with anticipation and i was salivating out of control. Something needed to stop this, i needed to put my mouth around something, and soon or i might just grab anyone, which is what usually happens. No complaints though gentleman, you have each been rather good in satisfying my hungry animalistic desires. So i stumble into this library for some religious sect, and there doesn’t seem to be any Mexicans within the entire building! Just when i am about to take out my baggy to snort myself a better time, my wishes are answered. i hear the brush of a broom and i know that the one i seek has been sent. i turn around just in time to untie my robe and wrap my legs around his dark, Mexican body before we fall to the floor. The owner of the library seems a little wary, and out of respect for his religion, the Mexican broom master and i leave and go into the alley down the street. He carries me over his shoulder so i have a great view of his behind, which i visible from above, down into his overalls. He lets me down and presses me against the brick wall with his two hands. My legs wrap around his torso again, and my hands do magic. ..


he has never been with a woman like me, which is obvious because of how eager he is to rip off my garter belt which i managed to put on before i left. He is sucking and biting me everywhere and the pain makes me yelp with sheer ecstasy and sigh into his ear. i am breathing deeply into his neck and he keeps putting his mouth on me and hurting me with his teeth and i start to push my pelvis deeper into his groin because i want it so bad and i am staining his pants because i am so wet. He loves it and laughs before he rips into me from the front. i cant even balance myself because although i have had plenty of Mexicans, i was never pressed against a wall in an alley with homeless men walking by winking at me. The whole ordeal gets me off even more and i keep saying oh god into his ears and trying to suck his tongue off and grabbing his pecs and pushing myself off the wall and deeper into him. i push faster and faster and i am bouncing up and down and laughing and his head is between by breasts and i no longer know what i am doing, just what feels good and i take my legs and put them up as far as i can go as he holds me into him and i thank all those years my parents sent me to ballet as i keep taking it until i come and he comes harder and then we fuck some more because he is still hard and hey, threir is a penis inside of me and then he lets me down, smiling, and i am smirking because i just got exactly what i needed and then he pulls his pants back up, puts my garter in his pocket, hands me my robe, and we walk to his truck (which is bright yellow and reminds me of those fabulous buckets) and drives me home, back to Mohammed. You can tell that mo is thinking something, but he doesn’t have much time to form any thoughts against me or give me a side glance because i pull him into our marble bathroom to give myself a good cleaning after the alley this afternoon and give him some fun after that yellow made me remember Jose and his mop, and got me off, again.

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