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I am – Idiot of the Day: Andy Bell Of Erasure

Rockin' the mic like it's an AIDS cock Barebacking is HUGE in the world of homo. Guys go out there to deliberately get HIV. It has to do with a fear of getting old and dying with AIDS is apparently the glamourous way for fags to go. It’s like trendy or artsy or some shit. It’s some next level Liberace Freddy Mercury, Arafat, Rock Hudson, Easy E shit….

Aids is never cool and when first hearing Andy Bell of Erasure fame contracted HIV years ago, I felt bad. When I found out he deliberately went out there and got it. I thought about all the people who get it from drunken keg parties, who really don’t want it, but can help their slutty behavior because they are college kids…

His Story After the Jump….

I am – An Idiot: Andy Bell Of Erasure

Erasure star Andy Bell has shockingly admitted he wanted to be diagnosed with HIV.

The openly homosexual singer revealed he was HIV positive in December – six years after he was diagnosed with the fatal disease – and admits he believed catching the illness was a re-affirmation of his homosexuality.

He said: “You are going to think this strange, but I wanted to be HIV positive. I thought HIV was a touchstone of being gay.”

The ‘Breathe’ singer also says he doesn’t think about dying, because he believes he can fight the disease for many years with the help of medicine.
He added: “I’m a fighter. They will have to take me from this world kicking and screaming. My life expectancy should be the same as anyone else, so there is no need to panic.”

via FemaleFirst.co.uk

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