I'll Make You Famous…




I am – 300 Naked Amateur Girlfriends….

I have told you girl readers that nothing right will happen if you let you boyfriend takes pictures of you naked. I like to believe that everyone has good intention and that it would all work out for the best, but guys are too stupid to handle rejection, so everytime a girl dumps them, which is often the case, the dude needs to get retribution to make himself feel like he’s not the sucker. It’s a whole control thing, and I know it takes a pretty cool guy like myself to keep the goods underwraps for himself…so I guess what it comes down to is that if you are dating an asshole or a jock with insecurity issues, don’t like him have naked pictures of you, unless you secretly want them to get out….if you are dating me on the other hand, it’s all good, I like to collect them like a photo album of my life … my conquests….my poontang…..maybe one day it will be your poontang, yes you, I think you’re lovely…..

Check out this link to see 300 naked girlfriends….here

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