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I am – Large Penis Support Group Post of the Day

As a memeber of the Large Penis support group, I read the message board every once in a while. I figured I should start a feature for you to see the great conversations that happen in our world. I know that some of you may not be interested in joining us, but you can still get a kick out of reading what we have to say. The large penis support group post of the day is:


Hey there guys,

I was wondering, how many of us here and how many men that you know are not afraid to show off their dicks to other men? Sexual orientation should NOT be a factor, we are simply speaking one man showing dick to another man or men.

I grew up very comfortable showering and swimming etc with other men but I never once can remember being in an erotic or aroused state with another man. That being said I love to be nude with other men whether it be at the gym in the gang shower, the sauna or steam room, a nude beach/resort, etc. I check out the other men and compare etc bodies and dicks. Rarely though have I met many men, straight or gay, that are open enough with their bodies to speak, compare, freely show what they have, maybe 7 men over the last 12 years.

I guess what I am saying would you show someone, totally apart from attraction and sexual intention, your dick in an open way for a period of time? Would you speak to the person about it? Where do you draw the line?


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