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I am – Animal of the Day: American Alligator

The Drunken Stepfathers animal of the day continues with another riveting insallment. Today we examine the American Alligator, a bold and savage beast. We are still going through our fan mail from our last animal of the day the African Elephant so go easy on us.

The blunt-snouted alligator is grouped together with the caimen species into the family Alligatordae. Alligators can be distinguished from crocodiles by the fourth mandibular tooth which fits into the upper jaw and cannot be seen when the jaw is closed. In crocodiles, this tooth is visible at all times. The biggest danger to alligators is the human race.

More info and pictures after the Jump

Niche / Habitat

The American Alligator’s niche is to eat animals that come close to its dwelling. It keeps the animal population down around the swampy areas. This animal is not a nocturnal animal. It comes out in the day and sleeps most of the night.


Some of the adaptations of the alligator are its back webbed feet for steering and bulging eyes which make it look like a log. American alligators have very dark and camouflaged skin. They also have very sharp teeth for ripping off flesh and eating prey. Nostrils on top of their long noses help them to breathe on top of the water.

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