I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Born This Weekend

Every person has one special day…Their birthday. The following 5 people all were born over this weekend. What a weekend for birthdays, read on to find out more.

Top 5 People born this weekend:

#5)Poison Ivy Rorschach (02/20/1953 – )guitarist (Cramps)

Quote: “Lux and I have always been reckless and sought out thrills, taken risks, probably blown our minds in certain pursuits. It’s only from living this way that we come up with this stuff.”

#4)Lee Marvin (02/19/1924 – 08/29/1987)actor

Quote: “Ah, stardom! They put your name on a star in the sidewalk on Hollywood Boulevard and you walk down and find a pile of dog manure on it. That tells the whole story, baby.”

#3)Nicholas Copernicus (02/19/1473 – 05/24/1543)Polish astronomer

Quote: “Let no one expect anything of certainty from astronomy, lest if anyone take as true that which has been constructed for another use, he go away…bigger fool than when he came to it.”

#2)Cindy Crawford (02/20/1966 – )
Picture Gallery

Quote: “Richard doesn’t really like me to kill bugs, but sometimes I can’t help it.”

#1)Kurt Cobain (02/20/1967 – 04/05/1994) singer, songwriter, guitarist (Nirvana)

Quote: “Nobody deserves to have their personal life pried into like I did and no one deserves to hear me whine about it so much.”

Pictures of our Birthday Guys/Girls after the Jump

#5)Poison Ivy Rorschach

#4) Lee Marvin

#3)Nicholas Copernicus

#2)Cindy Crawford

#1) Kurt Cobain

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