I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Lil' Mynx

I miss Minxy Winxy Pudding + Pie as much as you do, I was going to go to her memorial, but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. Instead I read her erotic stories and cried. In my healing process, I have been drinking a lot of hot chocolate and Wild Turkey, it is comfort food, I have also been frequenting strip clubs a lot. I have been looking for a lap dance that would be on par with the ones I used to get Minxy Winxy to give me back when I babysat her, years ago. I remember those nights, I would tuck her in and read her Babysitter’s Club. She loved Dawn. Then she would but on her sexy costume and dance for me. She was 11.

It’s hard to find a girl with with a pelvis as strong as a boar. But it isn’t hard to turn your house into a strip club. Every trailer park living room across the country should have one of these in the middle of it. It screams class, and you can try to teach your fat bitch wife how to pole dance…Maybe it will add some spice to the marriage…but you could also stop getting drunk and beating her up, asshole.

Check out Lil’ Mynx

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