I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Team Fuck Does Stepfather

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Team Fuck was invited to join Drunken Stepfather months ago, but I decided to wait untill I had somthing to say. To be honest, I couln’t think of anything… untill now! Vegans suck cock. Which, if you ask me, is like a lesbian using a dildo. You made your fucking decision, stick with it. I have partied with straight edge (or sXe as its known in the “scene”) kids in the past and to put it bluntly, they are boring. Boring-waste my time- social abortions. If you dont drink, dont do drugs and dont eat meat, you must be a fag. Not that I mind fags, but covering it up by being straight edge is lame. I mean, after all, the only socialy acceptable vice left is being gay. The cocaine is crap, TV has scared kids away from heroin, rave drugs are out like phant pants and the magazine hasnt been cool since 2000.

Well ladies and gentlemen, its 2005. The bling era is reaching its climax, punk is dead, and being vagan is gay. This is the Fuck Era.

Fuck sluts, get high, break shit and FREE PARIS!

Team Fuck Tshirt contest coming soon!

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