I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Art of the Day

When grafitti artists go mainstream you get someone like Reas: a respected artist in the corporate and art world, not some punk kid writing Anarchy on the bus shelters in your city. This goes to show you the grafitti isn’t a waste of time. Reas makes more money than all of us and that is why Reas is being repped in the DrunkenStepfather – Art of the Day feature. I guess the other reason he’s being repped is the fact that he’s got a girl in pink panties in the piece, and we love fucking pink.

Bio After the Jump!

Todd James is an artist and designer who lives and works in New York City. He is the creator of the cartoon series Zoo Force and Rap Toons for the design firm Funny Garbage. His collaboration with artists Barry McGee (TWIST) and Steve Powers (ESPO) entitled “Street Market” has been exhibited at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia, Deitch Projects in New York, and the Parco Gallery in Tokyo. The exhibition went to Italy in May for the Venice Beinali. His work has also been exhibited at Enrico Coveri, 207 Gallery and Alleged Gallery. Last year saw the publication of his limited edition coloring book, "Attitude Dancer", and earlier this year he participated in the Keith Haring Foundation’s “Untitled 2001”; Art Event in Tokyo, Japan. His clients include Atlantic Records, Def Jam Records, CartoonNetwork.com, Wiedenamp; Kennedy, The Source magazine, Virgin Records, the Beastie Boys, Eminem and Iggy Pop.

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