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I am – Team Fuck Does Season Pushers

Alright, its been a while since we last posted, but thats what happens when you get fall down drunk 4 days a week.

Anyways, I’m out of my self loathing depression state, the snow is melting here in Toronto, and I have a whole new sub-genre of social wastebags to hate on.

Today’s Edition: Season Pushers!

I fucking HATE Season Pushers. Season Pushers are those climatically inclined meat heads you see walking down the street in T shirts and slush pants on a “warmer” spring day. And by warmer I mean +4 (thats + 39 for you Americans) with snow on the ground. I dont understand this whatsoever. Just because its not freezing fucking cold does not make it okay to wear a tshirt, asshole.

I have given this topic a great amount of thought over the past few minutes and, eventually, came to a conclusion. If season pushers had everything their way, they would always smell like poo. I know your thinking “WTF is this guy talking about poo and tshirts…WTF”. Yeah, well here’s why.

As it is obvious that these people are extremeists, I also believe that they are afraid of transition. If it was up to them they would take spring right out of the mix and go straight from winter to summer, from snowsuits to swim trunks. This is not healthy. Consider applying the same “lack of transition” method to other parts of life, such as taking a shit. You shit, you wipe, you check, you wipe again…and continue untill your ass is clean. Now consider taking a shit with out transition. You shit, you stand up to admire, and then pull up your shorts. Then for the rest of the day, not only do you smell like shit, but you also look like an asshole for wearing a tshirt in the middle of fucking winter.

Thats all.

Oh! team fuck tshirts are in…contest after the jump….you can wear them outside in the cold. fucker.

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