I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Lindsay Lohan Short Skirt-Low Cut Shirt

So we know that Lohan and Valderrama are still fucking. She was spotted going back to his hotel room after some event somewhere. If Lohan was throwing her pussy at you, I am sure you’d gracefully accept. Girls are crazy, they always run back to their ex’s, I don’t understand it at all. When it’s done – it should be done. You should be packing your Luis Vuiton bags and getting on the next bus to my cock…..

In more important news

LINDSAY LOHAN’S dad is at it again. While drying out in the Betty Ford Center, Michael Lohan decided to feed some birds that were on the grounds by attaching some cheese to a paper clip tied to a string. The birds loved the cheese so much it caused a tussle with the feathered friends getting into a not-so-friendly tug-o-war over it. It turns out the birds were a protected species and feeding them is a no-no. Wildlife authorities got wind of it and told the center they’d be slapped with a $20,000 fine the next time.

Source: Premiere Radio Networks

More Pics of Lohan after the jump

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