I'll Make You Famous…




I Am – Team Fuck Does Craig Ferguson

So we’re back. Not because we wanna be, but because our links on this site get us so much fucking traffic that I owe it to my boy, Jesus.

Anyways, I just turned on the TV and flipped it to CBS in hopes of catching Craig Kilbourne’s Late Late Show. Instead I find myself listening to some muttering idiot with a scottish accent named Craig Ferguson.

Who The Fuck is Craig Ferguson? (after the jump)

Okay, I know he played Drew Carey’s boss on The Drew Carey Show. And I know he has been in a slew of movies, but why the fuck is he hosting a talk show? A show who’s audience demographic has a combined IQ of 12 and a half, and southern lisps. I am half scotish and, for a good 5 minutes, couldn’t understand a word he was saying. What happend to Kilbourne? Did his cameo in Old School as the rude, cheating boyfriend ruin his career? ‘Cause im pretty sure it didnt make him any more famous.

The show is called “The Late Late Show” for a reason; ITS LATE! And when its late i wants to listen famous people talk about nothingness and jokes about clinton getting his dick sucked, and I wanna hear it in english!

CBS – This dude has got to go!

I tried to find an email for CBS, but failed miserably. Instead, anyone who agrees with me can call: 1-212-975-4321 and tell them how much this guy sucks.

The phone number is for the advertising department, which, in my opionion, is even funnier.

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