I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Kevin Federline’s Hair

I don’t know shit about hairstyles, I am not one of those faggot-assed motherfucker who knows how to style and present a man to the world. I do know that in 1993, Kevin Federline had bad hair, even thoug he came from shit, he could have tried to be presentable. That may not make any sense to you, and it means nothing to me, but because I am too lazy to push backspace I will keep it.

How does it make you feel, knowing that you are part of the creative process. I am showing you the pre-edited writings of me, which is nice. Sometimes people just want to be a part of something to feel good inside….that takes me away from the point that K-Fed’s hair was retarded in High School and if any of you motherfuckers looked like this 12 years ago, I don’t want you coming back. This is the shit this un-redeamable. Once it’s done, it is done, no forgiving. Mad respect for locking Britney in for life, that is if the baby comes to terms….knowing K-Fed, one can only assume that shit will fall out retarded, and by fall out, I mean fall out of her talentless womb.


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