I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Kate Beckinsale Yoga on the Street

We’ve gone through this Kate Beckinsale business before, she’s a celebrity, and with celebrity comes a certain level of desirability, because we all know that the chances of meeting her are so rare that the opportunity to fuck her is pretty much non-existant, so we sit in front of computers like the perverts we are, and we hang bitch’s posters like the groupies we are, and we argue with our friends (if we have any), about how we think Kate Beckinsale’s got it going on, and they tell us she’s a washed up slag that anyone in their right mind would treat like the slag that she is, and we cry because we have just alienated ourself from our peers all because the movie Seredipity got us wet. Kate does yoga in the street, I figure that there is no real problem with announcing to the world that you care about your health, especially when you wear tight pants.

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