I'll Make You Famous…




I aM -BrEaK uP GiRL

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. No one can argue that. So when they come knocking, it will be your fault if you let them in. And when you wake up the next morning you can’t blame anyone except yourself. I have no idea why I have become a complete sucker for one individual that has literally dragged me across coals, stomped on my face, and then threw me to the lions. And just when you think life is taking off again. You muster the strength to date, to try and build responsible relationships. Adult relationships. Then life smacks you. Your ex shows up and the guy you are dating has a remarkable reverse bend to his penis. And it just strikes you that you and captain hook won’t live happily ever after, and your goatfucker ex could make any tall order he wanted. So while your brain is swimming with every angle on how to negotiate your way back into his life, realize that this will only add up to one big mistake. And the shame will be on you. I am full of shame today.

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