I'll Make You Famous…




I am -Jules Asner's Clit Hood

I am a fan of sheer panties, I think it’s more exciting to look at a veiled cooch than to see it out in the open stinkin up the motherfucking room. The sheer panty is the panty of tomorrow, or yesterday or today, or every fucking day. Anyone in opaque shit deserves to be shot, and although that may seem harsh, it’s not, I am a lazy man and wouldn’t have the opportunity to see what soiled fabric underwear you bitches are wearing or take the time to actually shoot you, however if you want to impress the closet-case queen you are fucking…rock it sheer, and while your at it get a job hosting Wild On, everyone’s doing it. Even that slut Tara Reid. This post has been badly written on purpose, nobody is perfect…not even me. It’s been a challenge but I did it – I wrote sheer 3 times, beat that – asshole.

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