I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Email of the Day

What’s going on motherfuckers. You gots to understand one simple thing and that is for every person I make laugh I make 10 other people hate me. I am willing to sacrifice those potentially fantastic friendships for the laughs that I do get…and to be honest, I doubt I would ever hang with any of these cunts, they bore me. So I check my email while smoking a cigarette after a night out and I am lucky enough to get some hate from Brendan McCloskey. The positive thing is that Brendan is horrible on the disses, and her downs syndrome attempt at breaking me down, was just that…fucking retarded. Now I like retards as much as the next pervert, they are pretty easy to impress, but I don’t like people dissing me with no style. The dis is an artform that our Lady Brendan doesn’t have so Brendan- here’s to your virginity….and people – if you are reading this I ask you to email this cunt and tell him what’s up. DrunkenStepfather loves you cunts, now cc me on that shit. I just made you famous, bitch.

This is a mail link:

Email Brendan McCloskey the Cunt

You are one angry fat fuck… It is ironic that the fat guy you proclaim to be is so hard on fat people who in actuality are not fat. Wow, The only thing more grotesque than your form, is well, you. My only hope is that you get hit by a Mack truck. Well, first it will probably bounce off of you and cause some damage, perhaps internal bleeding. Then, I am thinking you will feel fine and continue on your way to McDonald’s where after your 14th double quarter pounder with cheese (extra cheese, I am sure) your fat heart will explode from all the pressure of the bleeding and sheer fatness. Well, at least you got your last meal.

It is always the fat bastards like you who fling the word fat around.


The person who hates your big ass.

This is a mail link:

Email Brendan McCloskey the Cunt

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