I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Britney’s Ironic T-Shirt

It’s a fact, ironic t-shirts are fucking everywhere and I hate them, they do not make you hip or urban, they actually advertise to the world that you are in fact a fucking loser. Nothing screams “I am on the football team, I rock beer bongs and I like watching my buddies Shower and I started doing coke a few months ago cuz it’s all the rage” more than a shirt that says “Mexcellent”. I am not saying that they are gay, I am saying that they are obnoxious and usually the people rocking these things are the people spilling beer all over themselves in the bar as they put on a sketch comedy routine reminiscant of every bad comedy you have seen, I assume it is all in efforts to get laid because their shirt says “Trust me I am a Doctor”, motherfucker, I don’t care how much of a laugh you got in the store, or while you were watching Dodgeball and I really don’t care about how socially inept you are that you insist on embarassing youself to fit in and get noticed, but the only pussy you’ll be hooking up tonight will be from some slut just as drunk as you. Britney is rocking a shirt that says she’s got the golden ticket with an arrow pointing down, I assume she’s making reference to K-Fed’s dirty cumshot that she calls the parasite in her rotting womb and not to her box, because we all know that shit’s not golden, it is probably secreting some pretty interesting shit right now. I guess I shouldn’t expect more from a white trash southern whore, it’s hard not being obnoxious when it’s all you really know. RESPECT.

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