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I am – Smokin' Handjob of the Day

I fucking love handjob porn, it reminds me of innocent times that have come and gone, a time when I didn’t need to strap a bitch down with a PVC bodysuit to get hard, a time when I sat outside the 7 Eleven in texas and had a hot and heavy night with my Albino girlfriend who wasn’t comfortable fucking, because it meant that I had to gaze deeply into her red eyes…bitch didn’t believe me when I told her I just wanted her on all fours…the handjobs were magical and everytime I see a handjob porn it reminds me of those simpler times…the fact that these two girls are smoking makes me happy, because smoking is always cool, it makes everyone look like James Dean, and although he was a closet case, he still represented the teenage rebel, something you wish you could have been all those days spent at home alot playing Role-Playing games online….if only you started smoking, your whole teenage life woulda changed….I bet that makes you sad….

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