When I go out on a boat, which is really often, you know living the posh life that I lead, I am rarely not on a boat much like Posh Spice. The only difference is that I am rocking a Cod Fishing boat, it’s a summer gig and it pays 10 dollars a fish. If I clean ’em fast, I get to bring one home at the end of the day, which feeds the family, who are never satisfied, but I keep on truckin’. Victoria Beckham is rocking a pair of Short Shorts and kneww high boots….which is always appropriate when you are a call girl and the boat you on is the steet corner, working the night away, giving back alley blowjobs….you know what I am saying, this bitch is too sexed up to be boating, and I am not complaining, if only the cod fishing boat could hook me up like that…the cod wouldn’t be the only fishy smell I’d be wearing home. So that was kinda gross, who really cares, it’s not like anyone’s reading this, and I hate you more and more each day for it.
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