I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Crazy Myspace Cat Lady

Unfortunately, I am an asshole. I don’t know why but I take pleasure in other people’s misery, even when those said people are completely harmless and content in their existance. Some righteous part of me feels the need to point out their insecurities and flaws, it’s not meant to be hurtful, it’s just a way to give people an outsite, realistic perspective on their behavior. I don’t sit here on my throne, and by throne I mean 2 milk crates, thinking I am any better than you, but when it comes down to it, I probably am. This is a myspace profile that I came across and felt it deserved to be commented on. This girl’s maternal instinct is kickin’ in hard, she’s ready for love, proven by her “erotic” pics, and ready for babies proven by her uncomfortable relationship with her cat. So here after the laughter subsided here at DrunkenStepfather, I decided to reach out and do a little public service, because it’s been a while since the court ordered me to help the community, and I figured I had my fair share of lonely male readers on the site, so I decided to direct all you guys, who are ready to settle down to this poor girl, and in the process give all you sane people a good laugh, because admit it, other people’s misfortune and a crazy cat lady under 30 is always fucking funny.

Visit this slut Here, but don’t tease her, she will just try to convince that she’s completely happy with her life and don’t say I am all bad, cuz baby I may get you cock.

That said; I just made you famous, bitch.

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