I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Smoking Celebrity of the Day

The benefit of being a trashy piece of shit actress is simple, you don’t have to take care of yourself, because nobody cares if you die, not even you. Now I am all for self-destructive behavior, and chain smoking while eating a can of beans, but I am not in the limelight and more importantly, I don’t have the budget to have a psychiatrist hook me up with the hottest pills on the pharmaceutical roster. Tara Reid, fake titty, erect nipples and drunk is puffing on a fag, and I am not talking about the queen standing next to her, lucky for her, I have contributed to her 5 minutes that turned into 5 years of nothing memorable. Tara Reid you are celebrity smoker of the day. This may have sucked, but I haven’t updated in weeks, I am surprised I still remember how to type.

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