I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Kate Moss Cocaine Video

So this bitch does YAY, who gives a fuck, I would say 90 percent of people do it, especially people with her kind of money and her lax work schedule. Think of it like this, she goes to a photoshoot, dresses up, gets pictures taken, and the day is over and she is 250,000 dollars richer. What the hell else is she supposed to do with her time and money. The fact that she lost tons of contracts because of this is fucking crazy to me, especially when we know the executives who made this decision, spent the better part of this weekend ripping lines in some Penthouse. Someone needs to start up a Free Moss site, and get this bitch some work, because cocaine habit or not, she’s still a model, and models are what make the world go round

Watch Video Here

(link changed due to cease and desist – this one should work a while)

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