I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Britney Spears’ Bra on eBay for Katrina

So being from the south, there’s really only one thing Britney can do, and that is support the crisis that is hitting close to home. Being from the south, there’s really only one way bitch knows how, and that’s to either take off her clothes, or get knocked up to raise money for a charity. Now, just because she was raised to be a trashy whore, doesn’t mean that fame, fortune and a Husband on welfare will stop her from selling her jewel encrusted bra on eBay. I don’t really know where I am going with this, but I do know that it’s totally cliche for a bra to be involved in shameless Spears self-promotion.

I belive that you should all donate to the Hurricane Survivors, if you have the means, and I figure why not get something you can jerk off to out of it. I know this may be the first and last bra some of you ever see, so you might as well spend your life-savings on one, so that you don’t ruin it the first day while shoving it up your ass.

No one is judging you, anal stimulation is highly excepted these days, and it doesn’t make you gay, even though I already think you are.

If anyone has pics of her in this bra, send them my way!

If you want more info,I came across this article, who am I kidding, I don’t read fucking articles, but Otty sent it to me and you can Read Article Here

If reading articles isn’t your thing, go check directly to ebay and Check out the Auction Here

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