I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Ashlee Simpson 21

So Ashlee Simpson is 21, and it is only downhill from here. Bitch is already aging horribly and has a face that looks like she was hit by a bus as a child. I say this only because I know a girl who was hit by a bus as a child, and all the plastic surgery her welfare parent could afford left her looking mangled and shit. The good thing about an aging is that her vagina loosens up a little, not that that will help you, I know little penis like little holes to fuck, but little hole or not, dude, you aint ever getting pussy, even if you’re date raping…no drug out there is strong enough to let a girl loose herself and let you in her country. The other thing with aging is that it’s a litmus test, we know that at 17, Ashlee could pull off being fuckable, but as her face grows into itself, bitch gets uglier and uglier by the minute. Who am I kidding, all girls are fuckable, it just take the right amount of booze and meth…..it’s all downhill for you now girl…that’s the point of this post. Did you like it?

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