I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Jessica Alba Oral Fixation

The constant theme today is girls with things in their mouths. Except for the Minnie Driver post, but I only put that up cuz I used to jerk off to the bitch when I could. Now I am all about watching girls eat, drink and smoke. It’s the closest I’ll probably see to them shoving a cock in their mouth, and I am totally supportive of girls who suck dick. I remember when I was a little younger and I actually took the time to date girls with issues, instead of just fuck them and leave them, there was one girl who just didn’t suck dick. I’d be all like stickin my dick in her face and shit and she’s all like “I don’t do that”. The joke was on me, cuz I stuck around for 2 weeks. That’s how nice I am. If any of you girls out there don’t suck dick, you better start learning, cuz you will only end up with some total fucking momma’s boy who doesn’t like sex anyway cuz his mom wouldn’t be happy with his rude behavior. He’s the kind of guy who rapes the next door neighbor’s kid. Remember that.

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