I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Kirsten Dunst Oral Fixation

I am a pervert, and in being a pervert, I have a responsibility to myself and to other perverts to look at pictures that I come across as a pervert. When I saw these pics of Kirsten Dunst eating, smoking and drinking, I could think of nothing more than the fact that bitch likes putting things in her mouth. It’s called an Oral Fixation and happens to people who were never breast fed. I am not turned on by her in any way, other than the fact that she’s got a cooter and that she’s got enough money to support my lifestyle, so jerking off my limp dick to her eating, smoking and drinking is what I gotta do to make her love me.

This has been my first post in a week. I have totally lost my edge, just look at the pics then go fuck yourself.

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