I'll Make You Famous…




2006 Bloggies

I deserve a Bloggie – mainly because It would piss so many people off. But I also want to win because it would be funny to crash the bloggie parties. I doubt these bitches know much beyond how to write a post. I’m talking bringing a crackwhore as a date and shaking the bloggie host’s hand with her crackwhore orgasm drippin off my fingers.

It would be funny and anyone who reads this site knows that I am all a lot better than all those fucking loser bloggers. I know that isn’t saying much, but I still want to go on a quest and make DrunkenStepfather winner.

Vote for me HERE

I may kill myself if I don’t get nominated. Yes, I am that emotionally unstable.

Oh – I just read the site and realized that the prize is $20. Fuck that. Don’t vote for me. I’d rather lose than be recognized by a bunch of internet losers and handed 20 dollars from them. Seriously. Do not vote for me. Just look at that picture, dude’s wearing red pants. That’s all I have to say.

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