I'll Make You Famous…




Hipsters Love Aids

Hipsters are the reason the AIDs virus is on the uprise. They all get jacked on cocaine, cuz that’s a hipster drug and show up at parties to get naked and pretend they are pornstars for the night. They rock their vintage clothes, they don’t shower/shave, their dad’s are all lawyer’s and doctors and they’re friends with the managers at American Apparel. Point of the story is that they are sluts who get naked, showered/shaved or not and I woulda liked to have been at this party. I am not a hipster, more of an older alcoholic in ripped jogging pants and a sweat stained white t-shirt, I don’t shower and although that may sound hipster, I don’t have a trust fund to finance my coke habit. I am just a 35 year old man who is practically homeless, but I am convinced that if hipster keeps plunging deeper and deeper into dirty, disgustingness, I will be invited to these kinds of parties, maybe they’ll be impressed with the scars on my dick from 20 years of herpes outbreaks. Cuddles

I got really carried away, meaning lots more pics – After The Jump

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