I'll Make You Famous…




T-Shirt of the Day

After listening to DJ Am’s sets, it comes as no surprise that he’s Jewish. Horrible Memories of the days I worked for that Bar Mitzvah company rape my brain; me with a mop in the back room waiting for all the little rich kids to finish dancing and eating their catered food, so I could clean up and go home. If I was lucky, I’d get to come out after one of those fucks threw up from riding the mechanical bull too hard or over-eating at the Ben and Jerry’s cart. I always liked when that happened, cuz all these little fuckers would jump at me and laugh at me for being the hired help. It was probably one of the high points in my working life. It’s never humiliatng when you are getting paid 5 dollars an hour to get shit on by 12 year old rich kids. Point of the story is that I never do Celebrity Clothing of the Day, AM’s made the cut with this shit because it’s hype.

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