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I am – Purim Content of the Day


Purim is a holiday where Jews dress up and get fucking wasted. It is halloween for them, only instead of candy they get booze. I’ve been givin out little airplane sized bottles of Jack to the kids every halloween….until I got arrested for it…Anyway, the whole point of the night is to drink as much as possible, which in theory is a great fucking holiday, only problem is Jews are drug people, they are much better doing a couple lines of coke and smoking joints than drinking all night…their religion doesn’t say anything about not doing drugs…but I think it limits the amount of booze…except on Purim. I guess the point of the post is to say that I don’t know shit about Judaism, but when I was a buss boy in a banquet hall that was rented out for a Purim party, I understood it was another word for drink til you puke all over the place and let the poor mexican clean it up because my dad’s a lawyer…drunk or not….you’re still lame, but I still love your women. Here are some YouTube Purim Videos….

Daning Hora to 50 Cent

Lame Purim Video One

Lame Purim Video Two

Weird Kid Singing

Go Back To Pre-Med Jew, You’re Embarassing Me

Some Jewish Sketch, That Isn’t Funny

Ok – enough of this, I understand overkill…

Some High School Girl’s Gallery (non-nude)

This post is a total bust….I should fire myself…

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