I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Man with a Nice Shirt and Another Man with Nice Shorts


I don’t know either of these people, and I am not really into the whole sheer top for anyone who isn’t a 17 year old girl with no bra on caught in a rainstorm. But the fact is these guys are working together towards something new. Their combined efforts is nothing to laugh at, just maybe feel a little awkward about, especially if the couple on the left is your mom and dad, how fucking embarassing is that for you? The guy looks like a tow truck driver or someone too butch to rock a sheer top. He looks like he would beat up the fag in the sheer shorts, if they were to cross paths in a dark alley, or bath house. I am assuming they aren’t his daughters, because daughters generally don’t stick by daddy’s side, when daddy’s exposing his penis….based on personal experience, pulling out my dick around the step kids is always a mistake.

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