I am not here to write about fat bitches and how disgusting they are. One reason is because I am married to a really fat bitch, and I know all too well why they fucking suck, but the main reason I don’t want to write about this fat bitch is because it’s mean. I don’t feel like I am any authority on healthy living and if this bitch wants to spend her life emotionally eating because she hates herself and going fucking nuts on the bucket of fried chicken night after night at her black drug dealing boyfriend’s house, I say let her. I don’t think cocaine is the drug for her to be fucking for, maybe her shirt should read “will fuck for an exercise bike” or “will fuck for diet pills” or “can’t really fuck, I am too fat, but I will suck dick for a personal trainer, but I may fall asleep halfway through it, cuz I am fat and fucking lazy”. I guess the last one was too long and the real issue is that we all know some poor drunken fool ended up gaving this bitch coke for sex, all while his friends coordinated it on the sidelines, and he was too drunk to turn it down. I can guarantee this slob would have put out for free. Fat girls are lonely and they use sex as a means to feel some level of selfworth. That’s why they are easy…but nothing in life is easy, fucking a fat chick takes good physical condition, it’s like swimming in mash potatoes, but if it was really mash potatoes, bitch would have already eaten herself…she’s that hungry. All the fucking time. Fat Bitch.
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