I'll Make You Famous…




I am- Paris Hilton's Camel Toe in France


When you don’t have a job and you do have and endless supply of money from your grandfather’s success, you go to Cannes during the Film Fest with Brandon Davis, your friend who is also living off Grandpa’s black gold cash, because that’s the place to be. I am not about to dis privileged kids, because you can’t control that shit. When you are raised by fucked up rich parents, you can’t expect to get much support emotionally, because they are too busy living fabulous. So they can buy their expensive clothes and cars, and go on their expensive vacations and all that, but they are just as miserable as you. Only difference is they are better medicated. In reality, we are all equally fucked up, whether we come from poverty and work shitty jobs to pay for our 5 kids with 5 different women, or if we have trust funds that make working obsolete. I think the only happy people in life are retarded people. It’s that whole ignorance is bliss shit. Give them a couple rocks to bang together and a place to masturbate chronically to a picture of Paris Hilton’s cameltoe and motherfuckers will smile and drool like never before. That’s the first post of the day, how’d you feel about it?


Some Crazy Mexican Yells at Brandon Davis and She’s Not very Good

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