I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Kimmy Stewart's Boots of the Day.

I am not a fashionista. I am pretty sure that anyone who reads this on the regular knows that. I don’t know anything about it and even if I did, I couldn’t afford to dress stylish. I have the everyday outfit that consists of a pair of royal blue jogging pants and a scrappy t-shirt that I have had for about 9 years, I got it for 2 dollars and it still looks great, even though it’s stained. I have a going to court outfit that is a pair of grey pants and a white shirt, red tie, and grey blazer. I look like a security guard from 1976 and it’s never got me off the crime. I have velcro shoes I got for 8 dollars and a winter jacket and about 10 construction plaid shirt I got at home depot of 10 dollars each…That’s really the extent of my closet. Now all the dudes reading this, I know you couldn’t care less about what I wear, and you are probably asking yourself if I have turned poofter on you. I haven’t, I was just proving a point. Now, I have been going to the strippers for MANY years, but a lot more often in recent weeks, for whatever reason. I have fallen in love twice, seen a girl insert four fingers in her babyhole and spent a lot of money that I don’t have. One of the career strippers there, that’s the kind with retarded implants and stripper outfits wears a pair of booty shorts and knee high chaps, which are like a hybrid leg warmer- pant. What they end up looking like is a space uniform from planet touch my tits for 10 dollars. Kimmy Stewarts boots are rockin’ the same vibe….only problem is she got her tits removed a couple of years ago. Good one Kimmy, you fucking dirtbag.

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