I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Pam Anderson's Breasts Falling of the Day

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Wanna hear a joke that you will probably never hear in reference to Pam Anderson in water again? It goes like this:

Her tits are so full of plastic, bitch can’t drown, she’s always got a life jacket on….

So it was a shitty joke. I never said I was good at this shit. Do you understand what the heat does to a Mexican who hasn’t been to Mexico since he was 12. It does a lot of no fucking good. It’s 100 degrees up in this motherfucker and I am pretty sure my apartment is hotter, just because my cunt wife is like a fucking furnace and makes my bed feel like we’re roasting marshmallow’s on the open camp fire. I don’t camp, but I imagine that’s what it would feel like. Either way, here’s Pam Anderson falling out of a boat because she’s a useless cunt who isn’t really as useless as we all thought she was because of her built in life jacket. Take that.

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