I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Kid Rock's Useless Box of the Day


Kid Rock is marrying Pam Anderson. That’s the story I heard. I can explain the logic behind this move if you want to hear it. Which you don’t because I have about 10 readers while other sites are rockin’ over 100,000 readers a day, I guess that makes me a failure, but I am going to tell you this Kid Rock theory because it’s fucking golden.

When a girl you are raw doggin’ gives you herpes, it’s in your best interest to stick it out with her, because it’s such a pain in the ass telling new girls about your herpes and they are never fully comfortable suckin’ on your dick, they’ll always hold back a bit and you don’t want the shit. Especially when you had a slut who got herpes in your back pocket. I guess the same goes of AIDS, HIV, Hepatitis and even HPV, but everyone’s got HPV….so I guess that one doesn’t count.

That means if you’ve fucked a dirty little ditch pig and slut gave you a lifelong rash…or a gift that keeps giving, marry her, that’s what Kid Rock is doing and Kid Rock is someone we should all be using as an example to live our lives by. Especially back in the dead midget make a wish foundation years. Now go fuck yourself.

More Pictures of Pamela Anderson:

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