I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Courtney Cox Never Gave Me a Boner of the Day


Courtney Cox has middle child syndrome. For those of you who don’t know what that is, which is probably most of you, because you are all semi retarded. Someone told me that half my traffic was coming from the computer room at some retard center in Oakland. One of my readers was an orderly there and used to get all the water heads clickin’ the mouse. But that’s got nothing to do with what I wanted to say….what I wanted to say was that middle child syndrome is when the middle child in a family of 3 kids feels like the loser of the family. The oldest is the oldest and the youngest is the baby of the family, and the middle child is the dirty diaper no one bothered to throw out, at least that’s how they feel. The reason Cox is the middle child is because she wasn’t the sexy one on friends, and she wasn’t the ugly one, she was somewhere in the middle, or what I call the grey area, which explains why she married an Arquette. Do you realize they have a tranny in the family? I know that may turn some of you sick fucks on. When I worked at the porn company I was told that “straight” guys bought 95% of tranny porn. Think about that one. Asshole.

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