I'll Make You Famous…




I am -Courtney Love's Killer Bra of the Day


When I first saw these pics, I wondered if this was the outfit that this cunt was wearing when she killed off Kurt Cobain. Then I realized that it was crazy talk to think a bitch with money would be wearing the same outfit same bra, years after shit went down. Then I remembered that she was just a ghetto slag and that it was possible, just unlikely. Either way, dude’s death is the reason that this bitch can afford to eat, if it wasn’t for him, she’d be turning tricks in the back alley of the strip club she’d be working at to make a few dollars for her next hit. She was a bit of an opportunist, the kind of stripper who marries the rich dude to get out of the rut that was her life, and I guess you can’t really hate someone for doing whatever it takes to get where they want to be, even that means killin off their husband. Thanks to his death she launched a music career, was in movies, made lots of money, developed a drug habbit to deal with the guilt of being a murderer, and recently selling off his music catalogue for a truckload of money. Dirty blood money or not, bitch is shopping and you’re not. Cuddles….

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