I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Paris Hilton Shops and Chooses and Outfit of the Day…


Some downloaded girl I know always gives me her third year University psychology assessment. Today she told me that she thinks I am losing it, because I have been getting hate mail the last couple of days from the university she goes to and she’s the only person I know who goes to University. I asked her if it was her idea of a joke. Now that may seemingly not be so bad, but over the course of 2 years she’s related everything I tell her to a bullshit term she’s learnt in class. I blew it off as her lack of personality and social awkwardness that forced her to pull out tidbits she’s learnt, when someone with no personality is given something to talk about, all of a sudden the slag won’t shut up. So this third year University hack who takes herself too fucking seriously can shove her book on deviant childhood development up her fat ass up until she realizes she’s the fucking psycho and not qualified to make any psych assessments until bitch gets her PhD in 6 years, until then she should find a fucking hobby cuz no one cares about her bullshit theories that she got out of a textbook designed for retarded kids who couldn’t get accepted into real University programs like Business, Law Medicine and Engineering. I’d rather have “pathological” humor, be a woman hater because my mother abandoned me, have agoriphoia and alcoholism according to a out of context facts pulled from a useless textbook than be a waste of a life. Speaking of waste of life, here’s some pics of Paris Shopping….

Here’s the outfit she went with. Strippers rock the leg warmers and i fucking hate it….Paris is like a Stripper with a little less talent.

PS – I love women, just not the stupid ones.

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