I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Traci Bingham Cleave of the Day


Do you remember Traci Bingham? She was a baywatch slut but no one noticed her because she made the beach look like a giant kitty litter while Pam Anderson was showing off her hard nipples. I was like am I watching Baywatch or is this the shit in the sand hour on the Discovery channel. I don’t know what I am talking about but at least she’s got solid cleavage, cleavage that her whole career is based on, the best $5k investment of her life. Speaking of cleavage, some girl from myspace sent in a DJ AM story, DJ AM once had cleavage but then he got gastric bypass surgery. Cuddles.

so you probaly dont care but you seem to have a distaste for nichole richie so im gonna tell you my story….her stupid ex-fiance dj am stoopid adam golstien who even refers to himself of late as a.m. yelled at me for taking a xanax last night…at his friends show mickey avalon who happens to “rap” about herion pills coke and hookers…not to mention i have seen him stand by while she blew lines…they both suck!!!

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